• LHYC 2022 MC Team Racing Regatta

LHYC 2022 MC Team Racing Regatta

  • 09/16/2022
  • 09/18/2022
  • Lake Harriet Yacht Club


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:

Registration is closed

The Lake Harriet Yacht Club is hosting

The 2022 MC Team Regatta!


Team Event:  Team sailing is unique. Few MC sailors have experienced it. After a season of doing our best to beat each other, coming together as a team to race against competing teams is special. Competitors become teammates with all the camaraderie that accompanies events like golf's Ryder Cup.

Entry Fees and Registration: $45 per boat. Lunch for skipper is included in registration fee. Please register at www.lhycsailing.com/

Classes and Eligibility: This event is open to all boats in the MC Class. Teams will be set prior to the competitors briefing by the regatta chair with input from competitors with goal of all teams have relatively similar boat speed and team racing experience.


Rules: The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the current Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) including Appendix D.  In case of conflict these Sailing Instructions (SI) will prevail.  No advertising may be displayed pursuant to ISAF Regulation

Scoring: The Low Point System, RRS A4, will apply.  The team with the lowest points will be awarded the race win. 

DSQ = 7 points

If time and the weather permits, ties shall be broken based first on head-to-head results and second in a single race sail-off between the tied teams.

Rules of Thumb for winning combinations:

        10points or less wins.

        1-2-anything wins

        1-3-anything except DSQ wins (DSQ is 7 points)




The regatta will be sailed in two stages: 1) the round robin stage and 2) the Medal Round.

We will attempt to complete at least two full round robin rounds on Saturday and Sunday morning. Additional round-robin rounds will be sailed as time permits. The results of round robin stages will determine seeding for the Medal Round.

The Medal Round will be sailed in a Best-Of-Three Series with Seed 1 versus Seed 2 and Seed 3 versus Seed 4. The higher seed will start on starboard in the first and third, if needed.

The final results of the regatta will be:

1st: Winner of 1v.2

2nd: Loser of 1v.2

3rd: Winner of 3v.4

4th: Loser of 3v.4

Trophies: Top 3 teams


Friday 1800-2000

Team Racing Rules Discussion

Saturday  0900 Competitor’s Briefing and Rules Discussion (VHF Channel 72)
  1000 Warning Signal, First Race (races to follow, PRO discretion)

1200-1330 Lunch


Racing to continue at PRO discretion

Sunday  TBD Warning Signal, First Race (races to follow, PRO discretion; no races will be started after 1300 on Sunday).



Mooring, Taxi Service, and Trailer Storage:  The parking lot will not be reserved. Off-lake trailer storage will be available. We will have a list of permanent buoys that can be used for overnight storage.


Taxi service will be available to moored boats.

Breakfast and Lunches: Breakfast and lunch will be provided on site and are included in the registration fee. Crew and guest lunches can be purchased for $15.


Water fountains are available around the regatta site. Bread and Pickle is also available to refill water bottles.

Post-Race Saturday Gathering: We will gather at a local restaurant for a post-race social. Details will be available at the regatta.

Directions: The sailing dock, LHYC sailing shed, and boat ramp are just to the east of the Lake Harriet Band Shell, 4135 West Lake Harriet Parkway, Minneapolis, MN

Information:  Contact regatta chair, Joe Fricton, josiahfricton@yahoo.com, 651-357-7918

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